Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let's Do Disney!
Photo Courtesy  here

Zip A Dee Do Dah! Hello, Everyone! I've received several requests lately for tips and tricks on planning a Disney World Resort Vacation! I'm so excited to do this and ready to spill everything I know (Which is an insane amount) about Disney World. I'm probably going to be doing this in a series of blogs, just so it's a bit easier to break down.

Let me start by giving you my Disney "autobiography" if you will. My first Disney trip, I was three years old. I don't remember ANYTHING. Not a thing. Except bits and pieces that I can see in what few pictures we have. I do remember meeting this guy!

Mickey Mouse, or the Big Cheese as I like to call him! I cried when I met him and my parents refused to take me to see any of the other characters for fear that I would scream and embarrass them some more! Notice how much MM tries to interact with me in the picture... I love this. Disney prides themselves to be 100 percent authentic all the time and want every child's visit to be magical. They NEVER and I do mean NEVER, break character. Believe me, I tried my hardest with Mary Poppins and she didn't flinch. Walt Disney knew exactly what he wanted when he created Disneyland in California and then later, DisneyWorld. (I'm currently reading one of the Walt Biographies..maybe I'll do a book review when I finish)

Anyway, I got off track. My next two visits to Disney were when I was Ten and Fourteen. I did not have any desire to go really, and felt way to cool for school both times I visited. I couldn't really take it all in and didn't appreciate it. Fast forward to 2010. My husband and I made a last minute decision to do our Honeymoon in Walt Disney World. At first, I wasn't thrilled with the idea but the moment we stepped foot off the monorail at the Magic Kingdom, we were hooked. We had the BEST time and Disney took care of us for our Honeymoon. They personalized lots of things for us..which I'll get to in a later post. While on that trip, we knew the next time we'd be going to DisneyWorld we would have a youngster with us. We took note of so much on that trip and realized that while some say bringing young children to Disney is pointless, we learned early on that there's so much for even Toddlers to enjoy at the parks! And while they probably wont remember it, you will. There will always be that moment where you blubber, cry tears of joy,  will be so happy when your child meets his/her first Mickey Mouse, Princess, or favorite Disney character. You'll take a thousand pictures and hope that one day you can raise your children to love it as much as you maybe they'll take you for your 50th anniversary. One can only Hope! So sit back and enjoy my new Disney Series on this blog...I will try to do a few a day for the next several keep coming back!!

I forgot to mention that recently this year I traveled to Florida with one of my best friends for a wedding. We just happened to hit up Disney on that trip..and it just happened to be my birthday..It was AWESOME SAUCE!! no big deal..

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